第一部分 关键概念
——荐读:Gorski, Philip S. “The Matterof Emergence: Material Artifacts and Social Structure.” Qualitative Sociology 39, no. 2 (June 2016): 211–15.
第28期 当我们说“Unintended后果”时,为什么不说“Unanticipated后果”
——荐读:Zwart, Frank de. 2015. “Unintended but Not Unanticipated Consequences.” Theory and Society 44 (3): 283–97.
第87期 当福柯在说dispositif的时候,究竟指的是什么?
——荐读:Hardy,Nick. 2015. “Alea Capta Est: Foucault’s Dispositif and Capturing Chance.” Foucault Studies, no. 19: 191–216.
第99期 什么是社会结构?逃不出这四大定义和理论!
——荐读:Porpora,Douglas V. 1989. “Four Concepts of Social Structure.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 19 (2): 195–211.
第100期 什么是agency?关系、时间与能力(AJS,1998)
——荐读:Emirbayer,Mustafa, and Ann Mische. 1998. “What Is Agency?” American Journal of Sociology 103 (4): 962–1023.
第124期 重新发现布鲁默:从joint action概念入手(Azarian,2017)
——荐读:Azarian, Reza. 2017. “Joint Actions, Stories and Symbolic Structures: A Contribution to Herbert Blumer’s Conceptual Framework.” Sociology 51 (3): 685–700.
第137期 什么是磁滞效应?布迪厄及其延伸(Strand&Lizardo2017)
——荐读:Strand, Michael, and Omar Lizardo. 2017. “The Hysteresis Effect: Theorizing Mismatch in Action.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (2): 164–94.
第140期 社会学怎么界定Life course?5种定义与整合(Alwin2012)
——荐读:Alwin, D. F. 2012. “Integrating Varieties of Life Course Concepts.” The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 67B (2): 206–20.
第141期 社会学如何理解generation概念?生命周期,出生组,还是参与认同?
——荐读:Alwin, Duane F., and Ryan J. McCammon. 2007. “Rethinking Generations.” Research in Human Development 4 (3–4): 219–237.
第153期 laboratory一词的社会学概念史
——荐读:Guggenheim, Michael. 2012. ‘Laboratizing and De-Laboratizing the World: Changing Sociological Concepts for Places of Knowledge Production’. History of the Human Sciences 25 (1):99–118.
——荐读:Roberts, William Clare. forthcoming.’What Was Primitive Accumulation? Reconstructing the Origin of a Critical Concept’. European Journal of Political Theory.
第165期 ASR2017|文化社会学在说“文化"时,有哪些分类和关联?
——荐读:Lizardo, Omar. 2017. ‘Improving Cultural Analysis: Considering Personal Culture in Its Declarative and Nondeclarative Modes’. American Sociological Review 82 (1):88–115.
第192期 新自由主义:四副面孔,四个国家(Evans&Sewell2013)
——荐读:Evans, Peter B. and William H. Jr. Sewell. 2013. ‘Neoliberalism:Policy Regimes, International Regimes, and Social Effects’. Pp. 35–68 in Social Resilience in the Neoliberal Era, edited by P. A. Hall and M. Lamont. Cambridge University Press.
第200期 什么是“共鸣”?互动中的认知距离化和情感正当化(ST,2017)
——荐读:McDonnell, Terence E., Christopher A. Bail, and Iddo Tavory. 2017. ‘A Theory of Resonance’. Sociological Theory 35 (1): 1–14.
第二部分 鲜明对话
——荐读:Wang, Yingyao.“Homology and Isomorphism: Bourdieu in Conversation with New Institutionalism.”The British Journal of Sociology 67, no. 2 (June 1, 2016): 348–70.
——荐读: Xiaoying Qi. ANote on Globalized Knowledge Flows and Chinese Social Theory. The Newsletter of the Research Committee on Sociological Theory International Sociological Association Spring/Summer2014
第18期 吉登斯与亚瑟儿:相爱相杀三十载
——King, Anthony. “The Odd Couple:Margaret Archer, Anthony Giddens and British Social Theory.” The British Journal of Sociology 61Suppl 1 (January 2010): 253–60
第26期 场域理论与生态学异/同几何?对话何许?
——荐读:Liu, Sida, and Mustafa Emirbayer. 2016.“Field and Ecology.” Sociological Theory 34 (1): 62–79.
第35期 为什么美国需要欧洲范的传记社会学?
——荐读:Jindra,I. W. (2014). Why American Sociology Needs Biographical Sociology—European Style. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 44(4), 389–412.
第49期 驳《菊与刀》—日本社会学家的不满
——荐读:Takeshi Deguchi,BeyondShame and Guilt Culture to Globalised Solidarity: Reappraising Keiichi Sakuta’sSociology of Values as a Galapagosized Sociology, Theory: The Newsletter of the Research Committee on Sociological Theory,Autumn/Winter, 2014.
第117期 吉登斯之后,我们如何再发展“结构/化理论”?三篇书评
——荐读:Turner(1986), Stones(2005)+Parker(2006), Lizardo(2010)
第118期 捍卫吉登斯、捍卫结构二重性、捍卫趋中合并+反对Archer
——荐读:Piiroinen, Tero. 2014. “For ‘Central Conflation’: A Critique of Archerian Dualism.” Sociological Theory 32 (2): 79–99.
第138期 TMD!社会学别再只研究细枝末节了!(Healy2017,魏来译)
——译自:Healy, Kieran. 2017. ‘Fuck Nuance’. Sociological Theory 35 (2): 118–27.
第三部分 流派总结
第32期 郑作彧:迈向批判经验的时间生态学
——荐读:Cheng,Tsuo-Yu. 2015, “The Ecology of Social Time: An Outline of an Empirical AnalyticFramework of the Sociology of Time.” Time& Society, (52):1-28.
鄭作彧. “時間生態學:時間社會學的新研究概念建立之嘗試.” 臺灣社會學刊, no. 52 (June 2013): 31–78.
第129期 从霍布斯秩序问题到微观-宏观问题:Sewell评科尔曼(AJS1987)
——荐读:Sewell, William H. Jr. 1987. “Theory of Action, Dialectic, and History: Comment on Coleman.” American Journal of Sociology 93 (1): 166–72.
第139期 增寿(aging)与社会范式:ASA前会长Riley学说的总结
——荐读:Dannefer, Dale, Peter Uhlenberg, Anne Foner, and Ronald P. Abeles. ‘On the Shoulders of a Giant: The Legacy of Matilda White Riley for Gerontology’. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 60, no. 6 (2005): S296–S304.
第148期 会话分析实验:绝对/事件时间、社会行动与沟通性承诺(SPQ, 2017)
——荐读:Raymond, Chase Wesley, and Anne Elizabeth Clark White. 2017. “Time Reference in the Service of Social Action.” Social Psychology Quarterly 80 (2): 109–31.
第152期 场域理论新见:HowFieldsVary
——荐读:Krause, Monika. forthcoming. “How Fields Vary.” The British Journal of Sociology.
第155期 惯习理论新见:把行动的反思性带回来
——荐读:Elder-Vass, Dave. 2007. ‘Reconciling Archer and Bourdieu in an Emergentist Theory of Action’. Sociological Theory 25 (4):325–46.
第158期 作为政治社会学家的施米特:从纯粹的决断论到制度主义决断论
——荐读:Croce, Mariano, and Andrea Salvatore. 2017. ‘Normality as Social Semantics. Schmitt, Bourdieu and the Politics of the Normal’. European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2):275–91.
第四部分 图家与治理
第101期 迈向行动者的国家理论!抗争政治、有限国家与二重性(刘拥华2017)
第102期 中国农村的社会组织与集体行动(陶然合著。Ang Yu导读)
——荐读:Lu, Yao and Ran Tao.2017. “Organizational Structure and Collective Action: Lineage Networks,Semiautonomous Civic Associations, and Collective Resistance in Rural China.” American Journal of Sociology 122(6):1726–74.
第125期 国家不仅是想象共同体!从material谈现代国家
——荐读:Joyce, Patrick, and Chandra Mukerji. 2017. “The State of Things: State History and Theory Reconfigured.” Theory and Society 46 (1): 1–19.
第130期 如何治理冲突?国家权变、政治环境与人民政治(冯仕政2014)
第164期 为什么在加纳仅仅这个政府部门能有高效的科层制?
——荐读:McDonnell, Erin Metz. 2017. ‘Patchwork Leviathan: How Pockets of Bureaucratic Governance Flourish within Institutionally Diverse Developing States’. American Sociological Review 82 (3):476–510.
第174期 蛤S必读|SociologicalTheory发表对“无可奉告”那事的研究